Kanishk Jain

I am a Ph.D. candidate at Mila starting Fall 2023, where I'am advised by Prof. Aishwarya Agrawal.
I completed my Master's at IIIT Hyderabad, where I was co-advised by Prof. Vineet Gandhi and Prof. K Madhava Krishna.
I have worked on Visual Grounding, Language-Guided Autonomous Navigation, Multi-View Detection and Multi-Object Tracking.

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I am interested in following research topics: learning from multiple data modalities, language understanding in autonomous systems during navigation, explainable deep learning, mutli-object tracking, improving robustness to domain shifts and adversarial attacks, learning in low-data regimes, and ensemble learning.

Test-Time Amendment with a Coarse Classifier for Fine-Grained Classification
Kanishk Jain, Shyamgopal Karthik, Vineet Gandhi
NeurIPS, 2023
pdf / code

We investigate the problem of reducing mistake severity for fine-grained classification. Our novel approach of Hierarchical Ensembles (HiE) utilizes label hierarchy to improve the performance of fine-grained classification at test-time using the coarse-grained predictions.

Instance-Level Semantic Maps for Vision Language Navigation
Laksh Nanwani, Anmol Agarwal, Kanishk Jain, Raghav Prabhakar, Aaron Monis, Aditya Mathur, Krishna Murthy, Abdul Hafez, Vineet Gandhi, K. Madhava Krishna
ROMAN, 2023
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We introduce a novel instance-focused scene representation for indoor settings, enabling seamless language-based navigation across various environments. Our representation accommodates language commands that refer to specific instances within the environment.

Test-Time Amendment with a Coarse Classifier for Fine-Grained Classification
Kanishk Jain, Shyamgopal Karthik, Vineet Gandhi
CVPR Workshop, 2023
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We investigate the problem of reducing mistake severity for fine-grained classification. Our novel approach of Hierarchical Ensembles (HiE) utilizes label hierarchy to improve the performance of fine-grained classification at test-time using the coarse-grained predictions.

Ground then Navigate: Language-guided Navigation in Dynamic Scenes
Kanishk Jain*, Varun Chhangani*, Amogh Tiwari, K Madhava Krishna, Vineet Gandhi
ICRA, 2023
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We investigate the Vision-and-Language Navigation problem in the context of autonomous driving in outdoor settings. We explicitly ground the navigable regions corresponding to the textual command and use them directly as guidance for the navigation stack.

Bringing Generalization to Deep Multi-view Detection
Jeet Vora, Swetanjal Dutta, Kanishk Jain, Shyamgopal Karthik, Vineet Gandhi
WACV workshop, 2023
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We find that existing state-of-the-art models show poor generalization by overfitting to a single scene and camera configuration. We formalize three critical forms of generalization and propose experiments to evaluate them.

Comprehensive Multi-Modal Interactions for Referring Image Segmentation
Kanishk Jain, Vineet Gandhi
ACL Findings, 2022
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We investigate Referring Image Segmentation, which outputs a segmentation map corresponding to the natural language description. We propose a novel architecture to effectively capture all forms of multi-modal interactions synchronously.

Grounding Linguistic Commands to Navigable Regions
Kanishk Jain*, Nivedita Rufus*, Unni Krishnan R Nair*, Vineet Gandhi, K Madhava Krishna
IROS, 2021
pdf / code/ bibtex

We propose a novel visual-grounding-based approach to language-guided navigation which brings interpretability and explainability to Vision Language Navigation task.

Template Courtesy of Jon Barron